Ramandeep Kaur Sohi
Sri Sukhmani Dental College and Hospital, India
Title: A paradigm shifts global trends of oral cancer: A call to action
Biography: Ramandeep Kaur Sohi
A paradigm shifts global trends of oral cancer: A call to action
Oral cancer is a significant cause of public health concern in both developing and developed nations. Oral cancer is a widely
prevalent cancer type in developing countries and although it is less prevalent in developed western countries in recent
times a change in trend has been observed due to changes in lifestyle. Global estimates reveal that the incidence of oral cancer
varies from 1 to 10 cases per 100,000 people in most countries. Even though revolutionary changes have taken place in early
diagnosis and treatment planning in the last decade but there is any significant improvement in the five-year survival rate. For
control of oral cancer, an idea of the coverage of the same in the various regions is necessary. A changing trend in incidence and
prevalence of oral cancer has also been observed with more women and youngsters being affected by oral cancer. The present
paper is aimed to discuss the epidemiological situation and coverage of oral cancer in various regions to facilitate the health
policy makers in planning and implementing an effective prevention and control programme for oral cancer with emphasis on
recent data and study the trends in oral cancer globally.