Vibha Singh
King George Medical University, India
Title: Evaluation of herbal preparation in management of oral submucous fibrosis
Biography: Vibha Singh
Evaluation of herbal preparation in the management of oral submucous fibrosis
Oral submucous fibrosis is a chronic debilitating disease and a well recognized potentially premalignant condition of the
oral cavity, various medical and surgical modalities have been used but results are not satisfactory owing to recurrence,
adverse effects, and some worsening condition. Our study comprised of 30 patients attending the department of oral and
maxillofacial surgery KG Medical University Lucknow, India. It was open-label randomized clinical trial 30 patients of clinically
diagnosed cases of OSMF. The herbal preparation was made and given to the patients for oral rinse and gargle for 3-5 minutes
twice a day for 4 months. Clinical evaluation was done every 15 days. Pre and post-interventional evaluation of biochemical
parameter, serum antioxidant, MDA, SOD, and Glutathione peroxidase were done, there was a marked improvement in clinical
as well as biochemical parameters.