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Naiya Hitesh Shah

Naiya Hitesh Shah

AMC Dental College and Hospital, India

Title: Oral submucous fibrosis-A dreadful malady for the ages


Biography: Naiya Hitesh Shah


Oral submucous fibrosis- A dreadful malady for the ages
Oral submucous fibrosis (OSMF) has been well established in Indian Medical Literature since the time of Sushruta. In
modern literature, this condition was first described by Schwartz in 1952. It is a chronic, insidious, progressive, irreversible,
crippling fibrotic disorder which not only involves the submucosa of the oral cavity and oropharynx but sometimes also
the esophagus and rarely the larynx. OSMF is well recognized “precancerous condition” which is characterized by changes
in the connective tissue fibers of the lamina propria and its deeper parts leading to stiffness of the mucosa and ultimately
restricted mouth opening. All forms of tobacco, excessive chili consumption, nutritional deficiencies, areca nut/betel nut usage,
immunologic derangements and much more have been suggested in its pathogenesis, but areca nut is implicated as the prime
etiologic agent. Areca nut chewing is a habit practiced predominately in Southeast Asia and India since time immemorial, but
alarmingly this condition is now being reported from Western countries as well. Reduced mouth opening, inability to whistle
or blow out, recurrent oral ulcers, burning sensation in the mouth, difficulty in swallowing, nasal voice, hesitation while
socializing with others etc., adversely influence the quality of life of such patients. OSMF’s malignant potential, psychological
distress, restriction of social activities, diminished physical health, economic problems related to treatment are bourgeoning
matters of concern which demand our pressing attention. These appeals for treatment of OSMF which aims at the release of
fibrosis to provide a long-term stable mouth opening primarily. Various treatment modalities are practiced at our institution
for the management of OSMF, which will be discussed in this oral presentation.