Melissa Kelly Senedin
Senedin Clinical, Brazil
Title: Transdermal nanostructureds teroids replacement therapy: Novel protocol for TMJ
Biography: Melissa Kelly Senedin
Transdermal nanostructured STE Roi DS replacement therapy: Novel protocol for TMJ disorders
Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD), which limits muscle function, has a significant impact on quality of life, may
present as a pain that often limits function and sometimes is accompanied by a decrease in the opening of the mouth, pain,
buccal locking: Closed or opening. The intrauterine device (IUD) with levonorgestrel, is used in birth control, heavy menstrual
periods and to prevent excessive build-up of the lining of the uterus in estrogen replacement therapy with levonorgestrel
hormone, leads to a hormonal decompensating, with serious consequences for women, such as: increased risk of Deep Venous
Thrombosis (DVT), pulmonary embolism, increased risk of myocardial infarction and other side effects. Steroid hormones
perform various functions throughout the body as well as the stomatognathic system, contributing to the improvement of pain
and inflammation. Rebalancing them allows you to return the proper physiology to the patient. Studies show that millions
of women in the world use contraceptive method with progestogen hormones, one of them is the intrauterine device with
levonorgestrel, in which they present a significant increase of the risk in all its organism, by its systemic action due to the
inhibition of hypothalamus-pituitary axis and ovary, as action maintains the levels of LH (Luteinizanate hormone) and FSH:
Follicle Stimulating Hormone. The new proposed protocol for TMJ pain and mobility, which consisted in the removal of Diu
Mirena and replacement of steroidal nanoemulsion hormones with progesterone, testosterone and vitamin D3, proved to be
effective, as it significantly restored serum levels of patients.