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Ghaidaa Ureiga

Ministry of Health, Saudi Arabia


Ghaidaa Ureiga, a general dentist from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. In September 2014, I received my BDS degree from Al-Batarji Medical College (BMC) in Jeddah.
From August 2014 to 2015, I have completed my internship program at BMC, Jeddah Specialty Dental Center (JSDC), King Fahad Hospital and Jeddah Maternity
and Children’s Hospital, mainly in the pediatric dentistry and maxillofacial clinics. From January 2016 to May 2018, I have joined the pediatric dentistry department
at JSDC, Ministry of Health (MOH) as a trainee. Since 2014, I have joined the research team in the pediatric dentistry department at JSDC, MOH. Currently, I am
exclusively practicing pediatric dentistry in a private clinic.


Abstract : Caries risk factors for children seen in Ieddah speciality dental center, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia